Privacy Policy for Phone Clone App

Personal information:

We May use your personal information like images provided by you with your consent for only showing you with different styles but we are not giving these images data provided by you to any third party library.

Non-personal Data::

We are using non personal information like wifi state or phone model, how much data you are using for only states showing.

Internet Access::

We are accessing internet state for checking internet speed and also for calculation of internet usage


We need camera permission for helping the user to capture his/her pictures for editing it according to his needs or scanning QR code.


We need Storage permission in our application, the main purpose of this is to Save user’s work in the SD card or get files from mobile storage.

Third Party Services:

We are using variety of third party services like Google ads or Facebook ads. We are not controlling third party websites or services Any link to such a website or service appears in the Apps does not mean that we endorse them or practices relating to user information.

Changes in our privacy policy:

Our privacy policy might change with time, we would let users notify as any changes in privacy.

Contact Us:

If you have any issue regarding our apps, please feel free to contact us or any other information you need to know more about us.